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No experience limit
No degree required
Attractive remuneration package including end-of-contract gratuity
Recognized degree in Computer Science or Information Technology required
Minimum 3 years' experience in customer services or user support
No experience limit
No degree required
Computer Science, Technical Services, Helpdesk
No experience limit
No degree required
Attractive remuneration package including salary, gratuity, and discretionary payment
Recognized degree in Computer Science or related discipline required
Experience in Linux LAMP, SAML IDP/LDAP, and campus networking
No experience limit
Extensive hands-on experience in AI and Machine Learning
Proven leadership in senior IT management
Highly competitive remuneration package
10 years
Serve as strategic partner for digital innovation and transformation
Proven leadership in senior IT management
Extensive experience with AI and Machine Learning
3 years
Higher Diploma or Associate Degree
Diploma or above in Information Technology
Minimum of 3 years relevant working experience
Fluent in written and spoken Chinese and English
No experience limit
No degree required
Assist in maintenance & development of e-learning platforms
Knowledge in programming, scripting, & LMS required
Highly competitive remuneration package offered
3 years
No degree required
Degree in Computer Science or related field
At least 3 years of experience in network and server management
Proficient in network protocols and security tools
No experience limit
No degree required
Establishment of new Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences
Highly competitive remuneration package
Recognised degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, Engineering
No experience limit
Highly competitive remuneration package
Recognised degree in Computer Science, IT, Engineering or related
At least three years post-qualification experience
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