No experience limit
No degree required
HR/Hiring experience required
Remote work opportunity
Contribute to youth career development
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business leaders
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Exclusive access to official After Party
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business leaders
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Develop leadership skills and competencies
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business leaders
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Exclusive access to official After Party
No experience limit
No degree required
Volunteer certificate and official recognition
Network with 5,000 business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors
Exclusive access to After Party and workshops
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business leaders
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Develop leadership skills and competencies
No experience limit
No degree required
Flexible dates and times for consultation
Extensive experience on topic proposed is required
Remote opportunity to support 840+ NGOs
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
Bilingual preferable (Chinese / English speakers)
Event: 10 Dec, 3:30 - 7:30pm, responsible for one child
Engage, make children feel loved and important
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
Honorarium available upon completion
Volunteers with public speaking/ translation experience preferred
Provide Putonghua-English simultaneous interpretation
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience needed for eco-education projects
5 hours a week commitment for 2 months
Materials provided, outdoor work attire required
1 year
No degree required
One Year Project
2-3 days a week
Experience in volunteer and related work preferred
1 year
1 year work experience
Multitasking,English Language,Facilitation
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business, entrepreneurs, investors
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Develop leadership skills and communication competencies
No experience limit
No degree required
Expand network with thousands of business leaders
Receive official Volunteer certificate
Exclusive access to After Party
Don’t provide your bank or credit card details when applying for jobs.