No experience limit
No degree required
Degree programmes offered by a Christian college aiming for university status
Require IT skills in programming, network maintenance, and server administration
Welcome applications from fresh graduates with relevant knowledge/experience
No experience limit
No degree required
No experience limit
No degree required
Experience in braille production or tactile diagram making preferred
Proficiency in Excel, Word, & PowerPoint required
Fluent in written & spoken Chinese and English
No experience limit
No degree required
Work at Massage & Treatment Centre
At least 3 years’ driving experience
Hold a valid driving licences no.1 & 2
No experience limit
No degree required
Experience in braille production or tactile diagram making preferred
Proficiency in Excel, Word, & PowerPoint required
Fluent in written & spoken Chinese and English
No experience limit
No degree required
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Gratia Christian College (GCC), established in 2015, is a private Christian higher education institution dedicated to humanities and professional education, registered under the Post-secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320). All its courses are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). GCC aims to cultivate servant leaders with comprehensive personalities and professional knowledge to serve society. Its educational scope includes social work, education, psychology, business, and Christian ministry. To date, GCC has celebrated its tenth anniversary, witnessed six graduation ceremonies, and over 400 students have successfully graduated. GCC offers a total of 11 higher education programs, including 4 bachelor's degree programs, 5 advanced diploma programs, 1 professional diploma program, and 1 diploma program, covering a wide range of disciplines that meet high societal demand, thus fulfilling the evolving educational needs of society.
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