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Job Functions
1 Locations
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Education level
About 12 jobs

No experience limit

No degree required

  • Degree programmes offered by a Christian college aiming for university status

  • Require IT skills in programming, network maintenance, and server administration

  • Welcome applications from fresh graduates with relevant knowledge/experience

Gratia Christian College

No experience limit

No degree required

  • 提供全面长者护理服务

  • 需持有效护士执业证书

  • 欢迎应届毕业生申请


No experience limit

No degree required

  • 注册社工要求

  • 残障人士服务经验优先

  • 医疗津贴与优厚假期


No experience limit

No degree required

  • 提供护理事宜策劃与执行

  • 需持香港护士管理局证书

  • 欢迎应届毕业生申请


No experience limit



  • 提供课堂数码教材编写机会

  • 可晋升为教学团队领导

  • 月薪16000-25000港币

仕博教育 Spot Education

No experience limit

No degree required

  • 全面事业发展支持

  • 每周工作49.5小时

  • 持有职业治疗助理证书


No experience limit

No degree required

  • Experience in braille production or tactile diagram making preferred

  • Proficiency in Excel, Word, & PowerPoint required

  • Fluent in written & spoken Chinese and English

Part Time

No experience limit

No degree required

  • Work at Massage & Treatment Centre

  • At least 3 years’ driving experience

  • Hold a valid driving licences no.1 & 2


No experience limit

No degree required

  • Experience in braille production or tactile diagram making preferred

  • Proficiency in Excel, Word, & PowerPoint required

  • Fluent in written & spoken Chinese and English


No experience limit

No degree required


  • 提供全面个案管理及治疗计划

  • 注册物理治疗师资格

  • 全职每月额外津贴$2,000


IT Officer

Gratia Christian College
No degree required
No experience limit
Full Time
Sham Shui Po,Shek Kip Mei

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Job Description翻譯為中文

IT Officer
Gratia Christian College is registered under the Post Secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320) and has started offering degree programmes since 2015. Currently, Gratia is offering 4 full-time bachelor honours degree programmes, an advanced diploma programme (at QF Level 5 status), 5 higher diploma programmes, a professional diploma programme (at QF Level 4 status), and another at diploma level, with the vision of becoming a private independent Christian university that excels in liberal arts and professional education for developing servant leaders to serve the Chinese and global communities with competence and Christian love.
1. Assist the Director of Information Technology in providing onsite support in the areas such as programming, network installation and maintenance, server administration, end-user support, etc;
2. Support the maintenance and update of the College’s website for the College’s promotion;
3. Liaise with the College’s internal stakeholders for meeting the College’s internal IT needs;
4. Coach junior team members in offering the above services;
5. Perform shift duties as and when required; and
6. Discharge other related duties as assigned by supervisors.
1. obtain a recognised diploma or above in disciplines related to Information Technology, Information System, Computer Sciences, Electronics Engineering or related subjects;
2. be proficient in programming for in-house developments and providing user support;
3. be equipped with good, up-to-date practical knowledge of popular computer languages;
4. be skilled at administering Linux, Windows, and Mac Operating System;
5. be versed in maintaining computer servers; and
6. communicate effectively with relevant internal and external parties.

[Applications from fresh graduates are welcome as long as proof of relevant knowledge/experience is given.]

Company Overview

Gratia Christian College (GCC), established in 2015, is a private Christian higher education institution dedicated to humanities and professional education, registered under the Post-secondary Colleges Ordinance (Cap. 320). All its courses are accredited by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ). GCC aims to cultivate servant leaders with comprehensive personalities and professional knowledge to serve society. Its educational scope includes social work, education, psychology, business, and Christian ministry. To date, GCC has celebrated its tenth anniversary, witnessed six graduation ceremonies, and over 400 students have successfully graduated. GCC offers a total of 11 higher education programs, including 4 bachelor's degree programs, 5 advanced diploma programs, 1 professional diploma program, and 1 diploma program, covering a wide range of disciplines that meet high societal demand, thus fulfilling the evolving educational needs of society.

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