Weitu AI
Manage network infrastructure and IT systems
3 years experience in .NET and website administration
Good command of English and Mandarin
Weitu AI
6-week Winter InnoTalent Programme for on-the-job training and R&D experience
Year 1 or above full time students, both local and overseas
Discipline-specific study requirements for various divisions
Assist in implementing large-scale government funding programme
Higher Diploma or above in IT or engineering
Medical benefits from Day-1 with dependent coverage
6-week Winter InnoTalent Programme
Required Discipline of Study for various divisions
Opportunities for local and overseas Year 1+ full time students
Weitu AI
Weitu AI
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學
Highly competitive remuneration package
Bachelor’s degree with 7 years' relevant experience required
Experience in event management and partnership development
City University of Hong Kong 香港城市大學
Strong leadership in HR & digital initiatives
Bachelor’s degree & senior level experience required
Competitive remuneration package
Weitu AI
Weitu AI
Experience in GitHub, Docker, ReactJS, Java / Spring Boot / MVC
Degree holder in Computer Science or equivalent
Experience in government project an advantage
Exciting new technology development (IoT, 5G, LoRA, AI)
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science
3-5 years of experience in materials R&D, focus on advanced materials
Exciting new technology development (IoT, 5G, LoRA, AI)
Diploma in Business Administration or related disciplines
2 years or more experience in administration support
Exciting new technology development (IoT, 5G, LoRA, AI)
Bachelor's degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, or related
3-5 years experience in advanced materials R&D
Exciting new technology development (e.g. IoT, 5G, LoRA, AI etc.)
Master’s degree in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science
Strong knowledge of material properties, characterization techniques
Comprehensive medical plan (including spouse and children)
Bachelor degree, 6 years' B2B client management or related experience
Opportunities for academic training and career advancement
Weitu AI
Exciting new technology development (IoT, 5G, LoRA, AI etc.)
Qualified accountant with HKICPA, or equivalent
Medical benefits from Day-1 with extended coverage to dependent(s)
Lead Security Risk Assessment & Privacy Impact Assessment on finance systems
Experience in managing SAP system & modules, 8+ years required
Medical benefits from Day-1, extended to dependents
1. 負責Web應用的前端開發工作,包括但不僅限於頁面布局、互動設計、動畫效果等;
2. 根據產品需求和技术規範,編寫高品質的前端代碼,確保頁面的兼容性和性能;
3. 紧密與後端開發團隊合作,實現前端界面与後端的数据交互;
4. 参与项目需求分析、设计评审和技术讨论,提供专业的意见和建议;
5. 持续优化和改进现有的前端架构和代码,提升用户体验和开发效率。
1. 具有本科学历及以上,计算机相关专业
2. 至少拥有两年以上的前端开发经验,熟练掌握HTML、CSS、JavaScript等前端技术;
3. 熟练使用React、Vue、Angular等主流前端框架之一;
4. 具备良好的编码风格,能够编写清晰、易于维护的代码;
5. 具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神;
6. 有上线成功的Web应用作品者优先。